Bucuria de a calatori

Impresii din vacantele traite si povestite de Ileana

Povestea merge mai departe….

7 comentarii


 Undeva, intr-o tarisoara mica si frumoasa traia o copila. II placea mult sa cante si sa danseze, sa scrie si sa aibe multi prieteni in jur. Avea multe vise si unul dintre ele era sa calatoreasca si sa vada lumea. Parintii ei, cei mai buni si iubitori de pe pamant, intotdeauna i-au ascultat si inteles gandurile si dorintele. Astfel, cand a mai crescut, copila a iesit in lume, calatorind la inceput pe langa casa…cum se zice, cunoscand locuri fascinante din micuta ei tara. Asa a prins un dor nebun de a pleca de acasa in vacantele copilariei.

Multe s-au schimbat, cand copila a crescut, a devenit femeie si mama si viata a dus-o departe…tot mai departe de pasiunile si dorintele ei. Deh, unele alegeri facute gresit cat si alte prioritati au impins-o pe alte fagasuri. Dar dorul de a pleca de-acasa in vacante a mocnit tacut. A mai calatorit in tara ei fermecata dar nu la fel de mult ca inainte. A asteptat aproape o viata acea sansa nebuna cand bucuria de a calatori va rascoli din nou sufletul ei de vesnic tanara hoinara.

Iata ca timpul, dupa ani si ani buni de munca si iar munca, a anuntat momentul ca sansa a venit de departe si a batut la usa inimii ei. Astfel, sunetul vesel al clopotelului de vacanta a inceput sa sune an de an iar mama fericita, alaturi de familia ei, a inceput sa calatoreasca, traindu-si vis dupa vis. Nu mult sau putin, pentru ca acestea sunt doar niste masuri…fara masura. Masura ei in calatorii a fost intotdeauna pasiunea, mereu traind la maxim fericirea de a simti, de a intelege si cuprinde in suflet fiecare particica de loc prin care au purtat-o pasii sai repezi si curiosi.

La un moment dat, microbul pasiunii pentru scris a cuprins-o din nou si, la indemnul unora si altora, a inceput sa-si povesteasca in scris, pe diferite site-uri de turism, calatoriile ei de vis. Ce mult ii placea sa se joace cu literele si cuvintele!!! Era atat de fericita cand le impartasea tuturor intamplarile ei din vacante, cand povestile ei erau tot mai apreciateA avut mari satisfactii cand a legat prietenii frumoase cu multi camarazi” de calatorie. Cu o parte din ei a ramas prietena si acum…

S-a bucurat tare mult  atunci cand si-a regasit unele povesti pe paginile  unor agentii de turism. Si-a zis atunci: “Ei, asta inseamna ca sunt apreciata de tot mai multa lume…” Dar au fost si momente de suparare cand impresii si secvente din povestile ei au fost plagiate de oameni de nimic, fara coloana vertebrala. Dar timpul intotdeauna le aseaza pe toate usor, in matca lor.

Si uite-asa, calatoarea noastra a simtit tot mai mult ca a venit vremea sa schimbe ceva. Isi dorise demult “o carte” de calatorii doar a ei. Vazuse in vis acea carte dar datorita altruismului ei exagerat, se simtea inca foarte legata de locurile unde scria de ceva vreme. Teama de a infrunta singura un teritoriu total necunoscut ei pentru a-si incepe propriul proiect, fara sa stie mai nimic despre cum sa il realizeze cat si faptul ca farama de timp liber o daruia altor site-uri de turism, au tot tinut-o pe loc…pana-ntr-o zi cand si-a zis hotarata:

– Gata, e timpul sa ma ridic pe propriile-mi picioare si sa merg singura. Vreau sa-mi creez lumea mea de calatorii si sa ma bucur cat mai mult de ea. Nu stiu cum voi face, stiu ca va fi greu, voi cere ajutor la inceput si apoi sper ca va fi…ca mersul pe bicicleta!”

Si chiar asa a si fost. Numele blogului a fost cel mai usor de ales: BUCURIA DE A CALATORI. Pentru ca este exact starea pe care o simte ea de cate ori se gandeste la vreo ieseala; de cate ori isi planuieste o vacanta; de cate ori isi face bagajele sa plece teleleica; de cate ori viziteaza un loc; de cate ori face poze cu nemiluita; de cate ori se intoarce din calatorie si deja se gandeste la urmatoarea.

Apoi restul a venit de la sine. Cu multe sfaturi si putin ajutor si mai apoi cu foarte multa munca, rabdare, pasiune si cercetare la fata locului despre modul cum se utilizeaza un blog, iubitoarea de calatorii si-a creat propriul “playground”, unde se joaca zi de zi, creeaza si recreaza puzzle-uri din cuvinte si imagini. Ce-i mai place! Stie ca mai are inca multe de invatat dar e optimista si in fond nu o grabeste nimeni. Are toata viata inainte. Bucuria de a calatori prin lume o defineste cel mai bine si ii aduce multe satisfactii. Astazi blogul “Bucuria de a calatori” implineste 1 an de activitate. Doamne, ce mai trece timpul. Si acesta este doar inceputul! “ :)

Iata asadar, povestea de „begin” 🙂  a blogului meu de calatorie. Habar nu aveam ce sa scriu si uitati ce a iesit! Sincera sa fiu, mie nu-mi place sa fac bilanturi de niciun fel, asa cum am inteles ca se obisnuieste in astfel de cazuri. Imi place sa las ca totul sa se desfasoare firesc, fara “interventii”. Nici n-as fi vrut sa scriu acest articol aniversar pentru ca vedeti si voi ce am scris. Dar o prietena care a sarbatorit de curand acelasi eveniment, m-a tot imboldit, spunandu-mi ca “asa se face!” Deci, ca sa ascult de acest indemn si sa fiu “in trend” sau in randul lumii, cum se spune, am decis in felul meu personal sa deapan povestea de inceput a blogului meu de travel, la 1 an de la infiintare.

Pe 20 februarie 2013, plecam in calatoriile mele virtuale, avand in bagaj prima pagina despre “Romania mea, tara turistica a lumii”. Nici nu puteam sa-mi incep calatoriile altfel, cand primul loc in care am deschis ochii, cel care mi-a starnit pasiunea pentru calatorii si am invatat sa fiu turista este si va fi intotdeauna Romania mea pitoreasca. Apoi au urmat celelalte calatorii…si vor veni multe altele.

Blogul s-a nascut din marea mea pasiune pentru calatorii. Prin povestile mele intrupate in texte si imagini vreau sa daruiesc experientele si trairile personale, tuturor celor ce ma citesc si/sau vor sa afle despre locurile in care am calatorit pana in prezent. Sper sa o fac si in viitor, pentru a privi in trecut cu multa nostalgie si multumire sufleteasca.

Intr-un an de blogger-it am reusit sa scriu…nu stiu. Stati sa ma uit…122 de impresii de calatorie. E mult, e putin, chiar nu ma intereseaza acest aspect. Ce ma intereseaza si-mi voi dori intotdeauna va fi ca scrierile mele sa patrunda in sufletul cititorului, sa il faca sa vibreze odata cu mine dorindu-si sa ma insoteasca la drum si data viitoare. Nu scriu la norma si n-o voi face niciodata! Voi scrie mereu din dorinta si speranta ca randurile mele sa fie de folos sau pur si simplu sa placa. Si asa va fi intotdeauna. Sunt fericita sa stiu ca cele scrise aici de mine au reusit sa va inspire si sa va ajute, dragi calatori in alegerea unei destinatii de vis pentru a va crea vacanta ideala pentru voi. Nu exista masuri sau granite cand este vorba despre pasiune, nu-i asa? Pasiunea vine din interior. Cand faci ceva din dragoste, cu siguranta o faci bine!

Pentru voi, dragii mei prieteni mai vechi, care m-ati sustinut intotdeauna si ma sustineti si aici, cat si pentru voi, dragii mei noi prieteni care v-ati alaturat in aceasta frumoasa calatorie ce nu mai este doar a mea, ci a noastra, doresc sa va scriu doar atat: Cu respect, VA MULTUMESC! Va multumesc pentru sustinere, va multumesc pentru aprecierile voastre (Share, Like) si mai ales va multumesc pentru faptul ca existati si ca imi sunteti alaturi in calatoriile mele virtuale. Sper sa fiti cu mine si in continuare…

Nu doresc sa fac niciun bilant al calatoriilor si impresiilor scrise de mine in acest prim an. Va las placerea si curiozitatea de a le descoperi singuri direct pe blog. Nu voi scrie nici despre ce calatorii vor urma. Le las sa se insire firesc, la rand, precum filele unei carti colorate cu aventuri din vacante pline de emotii si amintiri. Vreau doar sa va scriu ca sunt fericita si multumita pentru ca intr-un an, blogul meu de travel a adunat multi prieteni si sustinatori; vizitatori si vizualizari peste asteptari; mai multa experienta azi decat ieri si…Hai sa o zic si p-asta: ma bucur ca un copil atunci cand mi se coloreaza tot mai mult harta, avand astazi 73 de steaguri din lumea larga! 🙂  O fi mult, o fi putin, iarasi pare o masura, iar eu “lucrez” din inima, fara masura, cu materialul propriu pentru toti “clientii” iubitori de calatorii de pe mapamond, incepand din Romania mea pana in Brunei, Afghanistan, Panama sau Columbia. Apropos! 

Blogul meu s-a nascut in „Zodia Calatoriilor”, intr-o zodie noua, pe care si-a creat-o singur de la bun inceput si pe drumul caruia va continua sa mearga atata timp cat vor exista si calatoriile mele.

Un lucru mai vreau sa adaug, avand o mare semnificatie pentru mine: cea mai vizualizata destinatie, deci in top se afla…oare cine? Insula Lefkada, Grecia, tara atat de iubita si de nelipsita din fiecare vacanta. Urmeaza tot Grecia, cu insula Thassos. Apoi pagina “Despre mine”, Budapesta, insorita Barcelona si apoi restul…Dar ce importanta mai are orice ierarhizare atunci cand dragostea pentru calatorii este doar una si ea uneste oameni de pretutindeni intr-un singur loc ce se cheama aici “Bucuria de a calatori”?!

Dragii mei prieteni calatori-cititori, la finalul primului an de calatorit impreuna, vreau sa va daruiesc in avanpremiera, cateva “flash”-uri din viitoarele drumetii la care va invit cu drag, daca va face placere, sa imi fiti camarazi de drum si de discutiiBucuria de a calatori sa va insoteasca pretutindeni si sa va tina aprinsa flacara pasiunii pentru calatorii in vacantele voastre de vis oriunde si oricand!

Cu mult drag si respect pentru toti prietenii blogului meu de travel,

Ileana Stefan


” Once upon a time, a little girl who lived in a small and beautiful country. She loved to sing and dance, to write and have friends around. She had many dreams and one of them was to travel and see the world. Her parents, the best on earth, have always listened to and understood her thoughts and desires. Thus, when get older, the young girl started to travel in her beautiful country…So, she just caught a mad longing to go in her childhood holidays.

Life has changed, the young girl has grown into a woman and mother and life took her away… farther its passions and desires. But the longing to run away from home in vacation smoldering silent. She still traveled in her charming country but not as much as she did before. She waited almost a lifetime the chance. After years and years of work and work, the moment came forward and knocked on the door of her heart. The sound of joy of holidays bell started to ring every year. And happy mother with her family began traveling again, living her dream after dream in their vacations abroad. No more or less, because it’s just steps…without measure. Her measure in traveling has always been the passion, living always to the fullest feelings of happiness, to understand and soul covers every part of the place where she held a hurried curious steps.

At one point her great passion for writing came again and, at the urging of some others, she began to write her travel stories on various travel sites. She loved so much to play with letters and words! She was so happy when shared all experiences from holidays, when her stories were all appreciated. She had a great satisfaction when make beautiful friendships with many other travel „comrades”. She’s still friends with some of them…

She enjoyed very much when has found couple of her stories on the pages of travel agencies. She said then: „Well, that means my travel stories are appreciated by more and more people…” There were some moments of sadness when clips and her stories have been plagiarized by people without any shame and bones. But time always find a way to resolve everything.

So, our traveler woman felt more and more it’s time to change something. For a long time, she wished a travel book on her own. And she dreamed on it. But because of her altruism, she still felt very connected to the sites where she wrote her travel stories. She was afraid that will not be able to face it to a new challenge alone, to begin her own project without to know anything about it and that shred leisure dedication to other travel sites, kept her up to write in the same places…Until one day, when she said decisively:

” – All right, it’s time to get up on my own feet and go by myself on my way. I want to create my travel world and to enjoy as much as I can of it. I don’t know how to do it do, I know it will be hard, I’ll ask for help at beginning and then, I hope to be… like cycling ! ” 🙂

And that it was. The name of the blog was most easily to find: “Joy of Traveling”. Because this is exactly the state she feels whenever thinks about an “escape” from home; every time she make plans for vacation; every time she packs her bags to leave strumpet; whenever she visit a place; how many times she captures thousands of pictures; whenever she come back from a trip and she already think about the next one.

Then, the rest came by itself. With a little help tips and a lot of work, patience, much more passion and research about how to use a blog, the traveler woman created her own ” playground ” where she plays every day, creates and recreates puzzles from words and images. How much she likes it! She knows she still has much to learn but she is an optimistic person and, in fact not rush by anyone. She has a life ahead. Joy of traveling in the world defines her the best and brings her many satisfactions. Today her celebrates one year of activity. God, time passed so fast. And this is just the beginning! ” 🙂

So here’s the story of the „beginning” of my travel blog. I had no idea what to write and look what came out ! Frankly, I don’t like to do any kind of audits, as I understand that it is used to do in such cases. I like to let everything to unfold naturally, without any „interventions”. I wouldn’t have wanted to write this anniversary article but, look, I would. A friend who recently celebrated the same event, prompted me and telling to me that „it is used to! ” Listening to her and be „in trend”, with the world, well, I decided to tell you in my personal way how it began the story of my travel blog, after 1 year of its existence.

On February 20, 2013, I was going in my virtual travels, having in my “luggage” the first page about ” My Romania, tourism country of the world.” I could not start my travel stories in other way, when Romania is the place where I opened my eyes first, which sparked my passion for travel and have learned to be a tourist. Other countries followed then, with so many wonderful sights…And will come many!

My travel blog was born from my great passion for traveling. With my stories embodied in texts and images I want to share my personal experiences and feelings, to my readers who want to know about the places I’ve traveled so far. I hope to do it in the future, looking in the past with a sweet nostalgia and myself contentment.

In my first year of blogging I managed to write..I dont know. Let’s see! 122 travel reviews. It’s more it’s less, frankly, I don’t care. The real thing I care and always wanna be my travel stories to penetrate the readers heart, to make them vibrate with me, desiring to come with me on the road next time. I dont write the rule, with any measure and I will not do it ever! I will always write desiring and hoping my stories to be useful or simply enjoy. I am happy to know my lines are able to inspire and help you, dear travelers, in choosing a dream destination to make your ideal vacation. There is no action or boundaries when is about passion, right? Passion comes from heart. When you love something and do it with a huge passion, you definitely do it great!

For you, my dear old friends who have always supported me and still have and especially for you, my dear new friends you’ve joined in this beautiful journey that is not only mine, it’s all ours, I want to write just this: Sincerely, thank you! Thank you for your support, thank you for your appreciation (Share, Likes) and thank you to join me in my virtual travels. I hope to be still with me next time. You will be always welcome!

I dont want to make any balance or results of my travels and reviews writing in my first year of blogging. I let you the pleasure and curiosity to discover of yourselves on my blog. I will not write anything about the journey will come. If you want to know what’s next, stay here with me. I like to let my stories natural lined as pages of a colored book with adventure from my holidays fulled of emotions and memories. I just want to let you know I am happy and satisfied for my results in the first year of blogging. My travel blog has gathered friends and supporters, visitors and views never expected, today more experience than yesterday and…Let’s just say: I’m happy as a child and enjoy every time my world map is colored with more flags. Today my map has 73 flags of all over the world ! 🙂 It would be more, it would be less?…As I said before: seems like a measure again. I „work” with my heart here, without any measure, with my proper material for all my travel „customers” around the world, starting with my Romania to Brunei, Afghanistan, Panama or Colombia, for instance.

My travel blog was born in „Travel Zodiac”, a new sign, which created by its self from the beginning and will continue to go as long as my travels and me will be alive.

I might add just one thing. It has a great significance for me : Lefkada and Thassos Islands from Greece are the most viewed destination. I love this country, being my first sights every summer holiday. Follow „About me” and then comes Budapest, Barcelona and the rest. I am thinking: what difference does it make any hierarchy when love for traveling is just one and it connects people from everywhere in one place I called here “Joy of traveling „?!

My dear readers, to the end of the first year traveling together, I want to share with you a few snapshots of my future trips. The joy of traveling be with you everywhere and keep the burning flame of passion for your dream vacations anywhere and anytime!

With friendship to all my travel blog friends,

Ileana Stefan


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Autor: ileanaxperta

I am a cheerful and optimistic person. I love music and dance, I like to write a lot but the most of all I adore traveling and run away in my holidays! :)

7 gânduri despre „Povestea merge mai departe….

  1. La multi ani blogului, iar tie la cat mai multe calatorii frumoase, ca sa ai ce ne povesti si de acum inainte ;)!


  2. La cat mai multe calatorii! La multi ani blogului!


  3. Iti doresc ca lista ta de calatorii sa nu se epuizeze niciodata, Ileana! La multi ani de bucurii transpuse pe blog!


    • Iti mltumesc mult, draga Adriana. Si eu iti doresc numai calatorii de vis, sa cuceresti cele mai inalte piscuri ale dorintelor tale, atat in ceea ce priveste calatoriile cat si in viata de toate zilele. Astept noi „patanii” de calatorie pe blogul tau. 😉


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